Don’t Be Great; Be Exceptional!

Zia Coastal
3 min readOct 29, 2021
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

As children, we all played make-believe. It was common practice to envision a world where you were royalty, an astronaut, or even a fairy. What do all of these have in common? They are people, or creatures, that are exceptional. From the moment we are born, we desire to be the best. Why should this ideology change with age? Here at Zia Coastal, we have embraced the kid in us. However, instead of dreaming about being exceptional, we are working towards it. Each day, we are developing the skills that we need to be top-grade entrepreneurs. You see, being great isn’t enough for us. We want to be leaders that will be remembered for decades to come, and we know that our future success is riding on the actions that we take today. What do you want to be in ten years? If you answered, exceptional, we suggest that you continue reading for a few of our best tips!

Practice doesn’t make perfect. Continuous practice makes perfect.

Practice isn’t a task meant only for new entrepreneurs. There is always something new to learn, no matter where you are in your career. Time and again, we see leaders who were once driven to develop their skills grow complacent once they have experienced success once or twice. These individuals have no chance of being exceptional entrepreneurs. They may hold their head above water for a while, but eventually, they will succumb to the waves. To succeed long-term, you have to have the stamina to practice continuously!

Be adaptable

We never know what tomorrow will bring. Just take the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. It is wise to have a plan of action written out regarding your goals. However, you have to be able to go with the flow when something comes up. When the virus first landed in the United States, we had no way of knowing the extent it would impact our business. Instead of letting quarantine shut us down, we adapted and moved our training and development sessions online. Never let any obstacle knock you off course.

Success is a team effort

The number one thing that we want you to learn about being an exceptional entrepreneur is that no matter how talented or driven you are, failure will be inevitable without a team. Success is a team effort, and everyone, even you, needs good, supportive people in their corner. To start, surround yourself with successful, like-minded individuals. Next, remember to lean on your people when you need them. There is no shame in asking for help!

Being an exceptional entrepreneur comes down to three things: continuous practice, being adaptable, and relying on others. Sounds easy, right? Unfortunately, it’s not. Hitting your career goals over the next couple of years is going to be challenging. Our advice? Don’t give up! Our team here at Zia Coastal is the perfect example of what aiming high will get you. With a can-do attitude and a clear set of goals, you can achieve anything!



Zia Coastal

Located in Long Beach, CA, Zia Coastal is a sales and marketing firm know for our great customer service skills, leadership expertise, and training program!